Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I feel really overwhelmed these days with keeping up with the blog. I honestly start feeling anxious if I go a couple of days without posting. I think I'm just in a rut or just been really busy.

Anyways, this post is titled "random" because that is exactly what it is. Things, that when they happen, I think "I have to go blog that..." and never get around to it.

1.) Tyrus is going to be a Fireman when he grows up - or at least that is what he is telling everyone these days.

2.) In recent days Ty has decided that he doesn't want to sleep in his own bed at night. Now, he wants to kick Dada out of the bed and sleep with Mama.

3.) Ty is a COMPLETE Mama's boy these days. So much so that if Neil gets anywhere near him he starts yelling, "I want Mama to do it! I want Mama to do it!"

4.) Ty prefers to pee outside and make "pee pee mud".

5.) When you ask Tyrus why he did something his response is always, "acause". I have no idea why he doesn't say "because".

6.) Mary's new nickname is "Mary The Goo Goo" given to her by her adoring big brother.

7.) I bought Mary some 18 month clothes and they are too small for her. I'll send them to Ellen so that she can wear them next summer. :)

8.) Mary has a ton of teeth coming in right now.

9.) Mary's new favorite snack is pin wheels made by Gerber. As long as you have pin wheels then you have a happy Mary.

10.) Mary loves to squeal like a little girl. I secretly love this because it is such a girly thing to do.

11.) Mary is really cruising around furniture, but I think her feet are still too small to support her body. I have stood her up and let go of her hands and she has stood for a second or two on her own. I think she'll be a late walker like her big bro.

12.) I went shopping this weekend for kid clothes and I seriously could have spent $500 on clothes for Mary. Probably more. I am going to be in so much trouble with this girl and the clothes department - they are all so cute!

13.) We sing our ABC's every morning on the way to Andria's. Tyrus almost knows the entire song. So much so that we can sing it together and I can stop singing at different times in the song and he will fill in where I leave off. So proud of him!!

14.) Speaking of singing...Tyrus loves to sing and he loves to make up songs about the most random things. I'll admit that it is a little fun.

15.) Ty has the most amazing memory. Sometimes he says things that just blow my mind. I feel like I am always telling him how smart he is. If you take him somewhere he will always remember it and he will always remember every turn that you took to get there.

Okay, totally random, but at least it is now officially on the blog and I can move on.

I promise to put pictures up soon - I know you all want you Tyrus/Mary fix!! :)

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