Friday, October 28, 2011

First Field Trip

Tyrus had his first field trip this morning!! His school is right next door to a pumpkin patch so the entire school got to take turns walking over there to experience the fun. I am lucky enough to have a job that is close by and I was able to leave work for a while and join Tyrus for the fun. I don't think I would be able to work if I had to miss out on these things. It definitely makes it easier when I can work and still join in on these "firsts".

Here is my sweet boy waiting to go in...

There are 13 students in Ty's class. His poor teachers count to 13, counting heads, about 500 times a day. I asked Mrs. Hancock if she counts to 13 in her sleep! :)

The first stop was the theater where they watched a video all about pumpkin growing...

And then they got to go over to the pumpking cannon! The kids didn't get to shoot it themselves, but it was still fun to watch Ms. Reagan do it...

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