Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mary's Light

When we bought our house a lot of the fixtures needed updating. The light in the Dining Room was no exception...

Mary's room didn't even have a light. Instead, it had a very large and ugly brown fan. Not really what I had in mind for our baby girl's room. I figured down the road we could buy her a chandelier or something very girly to replace the hideous fan with. I wasn't in a rush though because she did have a lamp.
Fast forward two years and I am surfing remodeling blogs (I'm addicted to them) and I see where a woman took her outdated chandelier and remodeled it for her little girl's bedroom. It was perfect and I thought, "I can do that!" So, that night, Neil catches me gazing into the dining room staring at the chandelier.
Neil: "What are you doing?"
Me: "I've been thinking..."
There may have been some sort of groan at this point...
Me: "I want you to take that chandelier down and let me remodel it for Mary's room."
Neil: "Okay"
The next night he went up and got the chandelier down and even rigged a painting station for me to use outside. He also taped up everything and removed everything that didn't need to be painted. :)
Well, it took me forever to do. I'd say about 4 months, but I hit a major road block with the shades for the chandelier. The woman on the blog bought her shades. After looking online and in stores I realized that if I bought new pink shades for this thing it would cost way more than what a brand new chandelier would cost and totally defeat my purpose. I was at a major stand still for a while. Then, our neighbor came over and suggested I use the adhesive lamp shades from Hobby Lobby and just pick out my fabric. Genius!!
Neil and I spent the next two weeks stopping into Hobby Lobby's looking for the shades. They only kept a couple in stock at a time. Actually, Neil stopped into Hobby Lobby and finally came home with the last shade. It was a lot of tedious work, but it is finally done. It was actually finished in November, but I'm just getting around to blogging about it...

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