Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Smart Girl

This little girl is so smart! I am all the time telling Neil that she got it from me, but he insists that it isn't true. :)
She is doing so many new things just in the last month or so. Tonight, for example, she was talking to Grandma on the phone and when she finally gave the phone back to me my Mama said, "I could actually understand her! She was answering me!"
Here are just a few things that she can do:
1.) Shake her head and say no when she doesn't want anything.
2.) Nod her head and say "uh huh" when she does want something.
3.) Shrug her shoulders and say "I don't know" (sounds like she is humming I don't know).
4.) Uses the potty almost everyday - at least once.
5.) She walks down our stairs like a big girl - standing up and face forward - scares the "you know what" out of me every time.
There are so many things that she can do, but the most noticeable is her ability to "speak" to you in a way that you understand just what she wants. This little thing is going to be a chatter box!

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