Thursday, March 05, 2009

No Wake Up Call...
Thank God!! Tyrus stayed in his bed all night last night and when I went into get him this morning he was snoring away!! We'll see if he keeps it up!

In Mary News, I'm not sure if I have written that our sweet little princess has been sleeping thru the night for several weeks now. As a matter of fact, she goes to bed too early! I usually get home with them around 6:00 and then she eats at 6:30 and then is begging to go to bed at 7:00! I never get to spend anytime with her. I have gotten in the habit of immediately putting Tyrus in his chair and spending the entire hour with her, but I still miss the little baby. Neil usually has to go in and get her around 6:30 because she is starting to stir and wants her morning bottle.

1 comment:

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

Whew! Although I told Jeff last night that you were due for a few sleepless night : ) haha - just kidding. Ellen slept all night too - I may have figured out why she was waking up - was hitting her head on a bar of the crib, so I put a pillow on there to soften it. Lucas got up once... (sigh) : )