Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More wave pool...

We took another break and Tyrus had his first taste of Dippen Dots. He is now officially an addict...

This is a $9 cup of candy...

Let me explain. We were in the gift shop on one of our breaks. I was looking at something that I was thinking about getting for Mary. Tyrus tugged on my shorts and asked if he could get a cup of candy. I had noticed this contraption already. It was a bunch of containers that all had a different type of candy in it and you could press a lever and the candy would come out. When Tyrus asked this I thought it couldn't be too bad. I was looking at something and I told him that yes he could get a cup of candy. Imagine my shock when we got to the register and the lady told me that I owed her $9! I couldn't believe it, but Tyrus was already happily munching on the candy so I had to buy it. Note to self...always price candy in resort gift shops. Sigh.

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