Tuesday, September 01, 2009


The other day I was hanging out with the kiddos and we were just talking about nothing in general. We had this conversation:

Me: "Ty, do you remember when Mama was pregnant with Mary the goo goo? My belly was sticking out really big?
Ty: "Uh huh, you were cooking her Mama?
Me: "Yeah, I was cooking her up and getting her ready to come out and play with you."
Ty: "She in your belly?"
Me: "Yes, did you know that I cooked you in my belly too?"
Ty: "Yeah"
Me: "Do you remember being in my belly?"
Ty: "Yeah, there were seahorses in there."
Me: "Really? There were seahorses in my belly with you?"
Ty: "Yeah, they were green. They sing to me."

I can't wait until Mary is big enough to ask her if she too had the pleasure of sharing my belly with seahorses.

1 comment:

Meg Boyd said...

That is too dang cute!!! Seahorses??? What an imagination!!!!!